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Alex Jones Articles Index
Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS)
Hey Napolitano and Walmart: Alex Jones calls FBI to report suspicious activity at Pentagon
Janet Napolitano and Walmart: A return to McCarthyism?
Walmart teams up with DHS, Janet Napolitano urges shoppers to spy on each other
Why was Alex Jones suspended by YouTube and blacklisted by Google?
Janet Napolitano
Hey Napolitano and Walmart: Alex Jones calls FBI to report suspicious activity at Pentagon
Janet Napolitano and Walmart: A return to McCarthyism?
Walmart teams up with DHS, Janet Napolitano urges shoppers to spy on each other
Population Control
Alex Jones speaks out against Ted Turner and global one child only policy
Hey Napolitano and Walmart: Alex Jones calls FBI to report suspicious activity at Pentagon
Janet Napolitano and Walmart: A return to McCarthyism?
Walmart teams up with DHS, Janet Napolitano urges shoppers to spy on each other
WikiLeaks / Julian Assange
Julian Assange: Scapegoat or willing participant?